Created by potrace 1.10, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2011


M.A. Myth Cosmology & the Sacred

priestess . witch . seeress


Articles, audio and video posts on  Wicca and Witchcraft

Imbolc Course

This Online Course brings you all the tradition and folklore in an illustrated lecture on the Celtic Festival of Imbolc.  There are 21 things to do around the festival to connect with its flow, information on…

Meditation for Imbolc

A Meditation for Imbolc A meditation to connect you with the Earth Mother as she begins to awaken from her winter slumber.


A new course on the origins and traditions surrounding the pre-Christian festival of Jultid, or Yule. This course contains an illustrated talk, 21 video advent meditations, 21 things to do to prepare and create, songs,…

Yule Meditation

Yule meditation A guided meditation for you to help engage with the sacred time of Yule, offering the meaning of a light in darkness. Image of Stag by CLB-Raveneye Image of candle by…

The Samhain Course

A Witchy delight for you! A Samhain Course containing songs, poems, chants, recipes, myths, folklore, powerpoint lecture, meditation, craft ideas and a ritual to do yourself. Plus 21 days of activities to lead you to…

Ancestral Meditation

Ancestral meditation A guided meditation for you to help engage with the sacred time of Samhain.

Lammas Meditation

Lammas meditation A guided meditation to take you a journey into a magical cornfield and its personal meaning for you to help engage with the sacred time of Lughnasadh, or Lammas.

Lammas Course

Lammas Course  The approaching festival of Lammas at the end of July is a wonderful celebration of the harvest. My course includes everything you need to help you understand, prepare and celebrate this sacred time.…

Summer Solstice Course

My Course on the Summer Solstice is now available for anyone wishing to learn about its origins and traditions and how it is celebrated across the world. There is a pdf workbook of information about…

Beltane Meditation Video

Beltane Meditation   A guided meditation to a spell of enchantment by the nature spirits.

Beltane Online Course

New this month, my Wheel of the Year series of Courses, starting with Beltane and the celebration of the coming of summer. Once completed, next year,  all the festivals will be offered as a whole…

Witch’s Familiars

Halloween 2023! Join me for a Witchy Evening at Treadwells Online Workshop on Witch’s Familiars! We shall explore the historical context and look at ways of acquiring one using various methods. This is part one…

Spells from the Witch’s Gospel

Conjurations, Incantations and Spellcraft from Aradia, Gospel of the Witches – exploring what they meant and how to do them, finishing with all the ingredients for a Witch’s Sabbat Supper!  Welcome to the season of…

Autumn Equinox Course

NEW AUTUMN EQUINOX COURSE NOW AVAILABLE! This course include; a powerpoint talk on the origin, traditions and practices associated with this festival, craft video, a pdf containing songs, chants, poetry, myths of the deities, recipes,…

Autumn Equinox Meditation

Autumn Equinox meditation A guided meditation to take you a journey into a magical cornfield and its personal meaning for you to help engage with the sacred time of Lughnasadh, or Lammas.

Creating Sacred Space for Magic

Tuesday 1st August, 7pm with Treadwells Online This talk and workshop will help you learn the real skills to help create a sacred space for magical work at a moments notice. We shall explore what…

The Spring Equinox Course

In this course, we explore Spring deities and symbols, myths and folklore as well as historic traditions and origins. There is a pp illustrated lecture, recipes for incense, food and drink, poetry and suggested songs…

Priestess and Witch in Conversation

Priestess and Witch in Conversation. Join me as I discuss the last nearly 50 years as a Priestess of Wicca with a fellow Priestess Rebecca Beattie. Touching on what have been our gifts and challenges…

Wicca, the Goddess and Paganism

From animist and pagan beginnings where people sought to understand the meaning of life through nature itself, through observation of patterns in the sky, the ebbing and flowing of the tides and the symbolism within…

Podcast – Meditation for Imbolc

Meditation for Imbolc A journey through a winters night and an encounter with the Goddess Brigid, whose festival of Imbolc, the quickening of Spring, is held at the beginning of February. 

Solitary Rite for Samhain

Short or Solitary Ceremony to Honour the Ancestors at Samhain On Samhain eve (31st October), set aside a small table to represent your ancestral shrine. Place a black cloth over it with some orange candles…