Summer Solstice Course

My Course on the Summer Solstice is now available for anyone wishing to learn about its origins and traditions and how it is celebrated across the world. There is a pdf workbook of information about flowers, herbs, Deities, incense recipe, poetry, spells and chants and a bespoke ritual and meditation for you.  And if you…

Summer Solstice Tarot Spread

A Tarot Spread to help integrate the inner world with the outer expression to find wholeness, using the Druidcraft Tarot Deck.


Tarot Magic for Spells and Rituals Wednesday 5th June 7pm at Treadwells online Part talk, part workshop, this course will demonstrate how to create a magical space for a variety of Tarot Magic Rituals and Spells and will explain how to cast a magic circle without moving, using the Tarot, raising energy for magic using…


Tuesday 7th May at 7pm at Treadwells Online. This is the first Tarot Magic Workshop in a series of four, using each one to build the Tarot into your magical practice.  This first workshop will explore the elements and  summon the elemental angels together with their appropriate cards for your magic. Some astrology is included…

Beltane Meditation Video

Beltane Meditation   A guided meditation to a spell of enchantment by the nature spirits.

Beltane Online Course

New this month, my Wheel of the Year series of Courses, starting with Beltane and the celebration of the coming of summer. Once completed, next year,  all the festivals will be offered as a whole as well as separately for those who just want to dip in to a festival.  For now, Beltane is the…

Beltane Tarot Spread Beltane Tarot Spread  Beltane is an ancient Celtic fire festival celebrating the beginning of summer and the season of abundance and growth. The Green Man and the May Queen represent the life force within the earth that causes the explosion of growth at this time and the beauty of the blossoms as the trees…

Flora, Goddess of Flowers

Flora is the ultimate goddess of flowers and blossoming, having her festival, the Floralia on 27th or 28th April and lasting five days. She is our original May Queen. Her name comes from the latin word meaning flower ‘Floris’ – her Greek counterpart was Chloris, goddess of flowers and a nymph from the islands of…

Imbolc Course

This Online Course brings you all the tradition and folklore in an illustrated lecture on the Celtic Festival of Imbolc.  There are 21 things to do around the festival to connect with its flow, information on its legends and deities, recipes for incense, food and drink, poetry music and craft video on making a Brigid’s Cross. …