Priestess and Witch in Conversation

Priestess and Witch in Conversation. Join me as I discuss the last nearly 50 years as a Priestess of Wicca with a fellow Priestess Rebecca Beattie. Touching on what have been our gifts and challenges…

The Earth Goddess Tailtiu

In the week of Lughnasadh, or Lammas, the ancient cross quarter fire festival of the first harvest, when the ripening grain is cut, I write of the Irish Goddess of Sovereignty, a mother earth goddess,…

New Tarot Study Courses

/Introducing two new courses on my website – a complete Foundation Course for Beginners and an Intermediate for once you have got to grips with the basics. These courses were the basis of my teachings…

Vesna, Slavic Goddess of Spring

As I write this post approaching the Spring Equinox of 2022 my heart is heavy at the horror of the invasion of Ukraine, I honour their ancient deities and call upon them for their help…

Spring Equinox Tarot Spread

A Tarot Spread to align you with the energy of the Spring Equinox and to help you engage with your own personal growth; how well you are rooted, how to blossom and how to break…

The Sacred Feminine

The ancient Mother Goddess arose with our evolving consciousness as the womb from which all life sprang. She was seen as the hearth fire around which all gathered for warmth and sustenance; as the cave that…

Wicca, the Goddess and Paganism

From animist and pagan beginnings where people sought to understand the meaning of life through nature itself, through observation of patterns in the sky, the ebbing and flowing of the tides and the symbolism within…

Podcast – Meditation for Imbolc

Meditation for Imbolc A journey through a winters night and an encounter with the Goddess Brigid, whose festival of Imbolc, the quickening of Spring, is held at the beginning of February.