Tarot for Imbolc

This is a tarot spread to help you connect with the Winter Festival of Imbolc to help us align with nature’s seasonal cycle.


DIVINATION FOR 2025 A divination for the coming year, using Tarot and various divinatory methods, offering advice and hopefully inspiration for 2025, the year of The Hermit and the Moon. See footnotes for explanations and methodology.   TAROT for 2025 ARCANA XVIII; THE MOON: Ruler of Flux and Reflux I begin with the Moon, Arcana…


Last in my Divination Series; The Oracles on Tuesday 5th December at 7pm at Treadwells Online. Book here In the first half, we shall explore the history of various ancient Oracles, their particular preparation and practises and accounts of their priests and priestesses. In the second half, we shall build on ancient methods to create…

Yule Tarot Spread

A unique Tarot Spread to connect with the season! Twelve cards for each of the 12 days surrounding the Winter Solstice and referring to many of the Yuletide traditions. It could be a welcome engagement away from the modern distractions…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu7G1JsIAas

Divination by Sortilege

Tuesday 5th November at 7pm online at Treadwells. Book here  3rd class in my Divination Series where we shall explore ancient ways to divine by sortilege   (chance and lots)  from the Homeromanteion and the I Ching to the Odu Ifa and the Sortes Sanctorum. There will be demonstrations and exercises to take part in, so…

Divination: 4 Part Online Course

This Four Part Course will explore ancient divination practices and techniques; revealing their history and how we might adapt their methods for modern divination. Each subject can be taken on its own or all four parts as a whole;  Lecanomancy, Empyromancy and Libanomancy (water, smoke and fire); Tuesday, 3rd September, 7 pm Treadwells Online  Augury,…

Tarot Magic IV: Amulets & Talismans

1st August 7pm at Treadwells Online The last of my four part Tarot Magic Course focusing on how to create Amulets and Talismans using the symbols and iconography within the Tarot. At the end I shall draw elements of all four lessons together in a blessing of a talisman created in class. 

Lammas Tarot Spread

Tarot Spread for Lammas A guided Tarot spread for you to help engage with the sacred time of Lughnasadh, or Lammas. It includes drawing cards for your intentions, how you nurtured them and what came to fruit or did not flower.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-6TEp2Qcp4

Summer Solstice Tarot Spread

A Tarot Spread to help integrate the inner world with the outer expression to find wholeness, using the Druidcraft Tarot Deck.


Tarot Magic for Spells and Rituals Wednesday 5th June 7pm at Treadwells online Part talk, part workshop, this course will demonstrate how to create a magical space for a variety of Tarot Magic Rituals and Spells and will explain how to cast a magic circle without moving, using the Tarot, raising energy for magic using…