Meditation for Imbolc

A Meditation for Imbolc A meditation to connect you with the Earth Mother as she begins to awaken from her winter slumber.

Yule Meditation

Yule meditation A guided meditation for you to help engage with the sacred time of Yule, offering the meaning of a light in darkness. Image of Stag by CLB-Raveneye Image of candle by Antanasc

Ancestral Meditation

Ancestral meditation A guided meditation for you to help engage with the sacred time of Samhain.

Lammas Meditation

Lammas meditation A guided meditation to take you a journey into a magical cornfield and its personal meaning for you to help engage with the sacred time of Lughnasadh, or Lammas.

Beltane Meditation Video

Beltane Meditation   A guided meditation to a spell of enchantment by the nature spirits.

Autumn Equinox Meditation

Autumn Equinox meditation A guided meditation to take you a journey into a magical cornfield and its personal meaning for you to help engage with the sacred time of Lughnasadh, or Lammas.

Podcast – Meditation for Imbolc

Meditation for Imbolc A journey through a winters night and an encounter with the Goddess Brigid, whose festival of Imbolc, the quickening of Spring, is held at the beginning of February.