The Spring Equinox Course

In this course, we explore Spring deities and symbols, myths and folklore as well as historic traditions and origins. There is a pp illustrated lecture, recipes for incense, food and drink, poetry and suggested songs and chants, meditation, 21 things to do to take you through the time of the equinox and your own bespoke…

Vesna, Slavic Goddess of Spring

As I write this post approaching the Spring Equinox of 2022 my heart is heavy at the horror of the invasion of Ukraine, I honour their ancient deities and call upon them for their help to their people. And their deities are those of the Russian people, who are also suffering at the hands of…

Wicca, the Goddess and Paganism

From animist and pagan beginnings where people sought to understand the meaning of life through nature itself, through observation of patterns in the sky, the ebbing and flowing of the tides and the symbolism within nature. The intuitive was revered together with the search for knowledge, both being inseparable. Somewhere amongst the need for authority…

Podcast – Meditation for Imbolc

Meditation for Imbolc A journey through a winters night and an encounter with the Goddess Brigid, whose festival of Imbolc, the quickening of Spring, is held at the beginning of February. 

Solitary Rite for Samhain

Short or Solitary Ceremony to Honour the Ancestors at Samhain On Samhain eve (31st October), set aside a small table to represent your ancestral shrine. Place a black cloth over it with some orange candles or tealights. If you prefer, this shrine can be created outdoors.  Some bright autumn leaves can decorate.  Place images or…