A divination for the coming year, using Tarot and various divinatory methods, offering advice and hopefully inspiration for 2025, the year of The Hermit and the Moon.
See footnotes for explanations and methodology.
TAROT for 2025
ARCANA XVIII; THE MOON: Ruler of Flux and Reflux
I begin with the Moon, Arcana 18 (which reduces to 9 – as 2 + 2 + 5 reduces to that). I will follow with the Hermit.
“The moon will guide you through the night with her brightness, but she will always dwell in the darkness, in order to be seen” Shannon Elder
The Moon in the Tarot represents the need to trust our intuition, to keep going with what we inwardly trust until there is light in our darkness. It can represent obscurity and trickery, fear of what is being said or what to do, being aware that something isn’t right, dreams and portents, distraction with fantasies and illusions but also the power of imagination , delving into the unknown, understanding the dream world and the inner realms, seeking answers and searching for inner meaning.
“We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality” Iris Murdoch
In the RWS Tarot deck, there is a fish or sea creature of some kind emerging from the water. Here we see the subconscious emerging into awareness. The wolf and dog are both wild nature and tamed instincts, both competing for our attention. Do we stay within our comfort zone or run off into the wild? The two pillars lead us between the pillars of the tree of life and with no veil hiding the moon from view, there is nothing between us and our hidden longings. The journey may only be dimly lit, but can we trust it?
In a reading it can represent a sensitivity to something not yet understood, an intuitive call to act in a certain way, losing a sense of direction or facing your fears and most likely, an acknowledgement of our deepest fears and insecurities.
“Without change, something sleeps inside us and seldom awakens”. (Film Dune 1984)
The Moon rules the rhythms of life, the ebbing and flowing of the tides of the sea, of women’s moon cycles, of the mating and migrating cycles of birds and animals of growing cycles of plants and crops and of our own emotional natures. She is given the astrological correspondence of Pisces, the sensitive poetry of our inner creative, imaginative souls and Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions and transcendence.
So this year invites us to look within, to carefully navigate the changing currents in our lives and the world around us, to acknowledge our emotional turmoil and find a way of calming the waters that are too turbulent or ride the waves that take us to new possibilities.
The Qabalistic correspondence is Qoph, being a primal energy that affects our primitive responses to life and its symbol is the back of the head, the medulla oblongata, that controls our instinctive responses. Its spiritual intelligence is the Corporeal Intelligence that illuminates us through our mental, emotional and subconscious bodies.
This energy invites us to consider our immediate reactions to news, to changes and shocks and to weave our own wisdom into that, considering the best course of action or the best response, but also to trust our instincts more, letting them influence our thoughts and actions in harmony with our conscious knowledge.
“Unconscious of your story, you are in its grasp; but with consciousness, an alchemical process begins; the solidity of the complex dissolves and you can open up to th aarrival of a new archetype, the birth of a new cycle of life. In the shadow then, lies our myth and our fate”. Connie Zweig
The moon in ancient times was represented by both male and female deities, the most well known in the west is the Greek Artemis and the Roman Diana, each having unique qualities but focus on an independent goddess, chaste and surrounded by nymphs, travelling the sky in a stag drawn chariot. Sisters to the Sun God Apollo, they were huntresses, patrons of pregnancy, childbirth, children and animals.
Nanna (Sumerian) and Sin (Akkadian) were early moon gods in the ancient near east and both were associated as luminaries of creation, ruling fertility of all nature, growth, agricultural farming as well as wild animals. The ancient Egyptian God Khonsu was a protector of travellers, particularly at night, the reckoning of time and a god of healing. Chandra is a Hindu God of the Moon, associated with the night, plants, emotions and fertility. He is also connected with time, influencing human behaviour and the timing of rituals, balancing the solar energies of Surya with a more reflective, nurturing aspect.
Chang’e is the Chinese Moon Goddess, exuding beauty and charm, carrying a Jade Rabbit and inspires devotion in relationships and manifests abundance in others.
“Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.” Tahereh Mafi
These myths teach us about change, impermanence and life cycles. We are born, we grow and we die, so embracing such truth, learning to live with loss, making the most of the life we have and consideration for others, as we journey through the swirling mists of time and fortune, is a wise inspiration for this year. Learning to understand when the right time to be patient and the right time to move is of equal significance.
In numerology, the number nine, which 18 reduces to and is also the number of the Hermit, suggests a good time to clear away old and outworn patterns and seeks to strive for the greatest inner achievement of wisdom and perception. Its challenge is illusion and failing to see the true reality of life. Wrapped up in materialism and attached to people or possessions, status or perfection, we can base our reality on illusions experienced from an egoic perception of the world. We are lucky – we have plenty of visible role models to see this happening in our world today.
In 2025 as you can see from all the above, intuition calls, big time! Learn to trust, sense and understand it. It is not the same as your emotions, but a more subtle sense that often is unexplained and unable to pinpoint. So we need to be aware and consider what are our knee jerk reactions to the challenges of life and what is stirring deep within us, making us uncomfortable to even the gifts of life..
“We need discernment in what we see and what we hear and what we believe” Charles Swindoll
I think we will all struggle with illusion this coming year. Knowing what is right from wrong, what is fake from real, what is genuine from pretence. We know this already, it’s not prophetic. We’ve seen it coming and been prepared. So we need to work out how to navigate its depths, see through the image for what it really is, both that in front of us and that in the mirror.
Aligning ourselves with what is real such as the world around us, both urban and rural – where nature finds its place , adapts and thrives; where we acknowledge our true nature and are able to engage with authentic relationships; where we can have meaningful engagements that our intuition and life experience acknowledge are all valuable assets to us this year.
An Affirmation for the Moon is: I am instinctive and listen to my dreams whilst embracing change as an opportunity for growth.
Arcana XI: The Hermit, Prophet of the Eternal, Magus of the Voice of Power
The Prophet speaks of the eternal truth and our own divine origin that existed before us and will exist beyond us. He is a Magus, uniting magical ability with knowledge and wisdom. Where the Magician forges his own way and the Hierophant leads through spiritual lessons, the Hermit walks a solitary life, yet by his presence and his life, he is able to lead others. His voice contains the power of knowledge and wisdom gained through long experience, whilst not being influenced by anything other than what he knows to be true. So one of our tasks this year is to speak with authenticity, coming from the core of our being, even if it is to acknowledge that we may be wrong, that we could have done better or that we hadn’t understood. Another is to own our wisdom. We may ask for advice, but ultimately, we are responsible for our choices and looking within for answers is of paramount importance. Acting on it, even more so.
A Hermit is solitary, yet not lonely; alone yet connected. This year will focus on independent and individual thoughts and actions being a powerful force for both positive and negative reasons. The archetype is a wise old person, old so they have experience of life and wise in that they have made a point of learning, of seeking wisdom and of confronting their own demons. In this year we will be discovering our personal sense of values and letting societal ones go. We may well engage with like minded groups and communities and work together with them, but without compromising our own sense of integrity.
“What is genius but the power of expressing a new individuality” Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The Hermit is old and grey symbolising his life’s experience and has a non ego ability to blend in rather than standing out. He carries a lantern symbolising his inner light that guides him through darkness. One could align it with the light of the moon in its symbolism as a light in darkness and certainly our inner light is needed in 2025 to navigate the storms of change that are approaching. The snow suggests the winter of life, a time when retreat was natural; a time for self reflection on what has been, what is and what is to come and a time to meditate and find that inner peace so many seek nowadays. The mountains suggest that the Hermit finds clarity in seeing beyond his own personal experience to the bigger picture of what reality, truth and meaning is for him.
“In the midst of winter, I found there was within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there is something stronger – something better, pushing right back” Albert Camus
The astrological correspondence for the Hermit is Virgo, ruled by Mercury. Thoth is an ancient Egyptian God of Writing, Wisdom and Magic. Through the magical writing of the hieroglyphs, communication became a magical act as a gift from the gods. The Gods Hermes and Mercury are psychopomps and can travel between the abode of the gods and the underworld, so we too need to learn to communicate with our subconscious; our dreams, our fears and our own shadow self. Becoming whole requires us to accept the parts of us we are not so comfortable with, understand them and integrate them into our everyday lives. This makes us more authentic as communicators as we have an honest understanding of ourselves.
“Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity” John Powell
The Hermit is ruled by Virgo, symbolised by the Corn Goddess and the only female figure in the zodiac. Deeply connected to the earth, she represents the harvest of your work, your experience, your studies, your words, actions and deeds and inevitably, owning the consequences.
The Qabalistic correspondences for the Hermit include the path between Chesed and Tiphareth where the force of Jupiter acts through Virgo on the Sun, meaning that through the wisdom of generosity of spirit, shared experience, expanded thought and kindess – acting through service, honest work and applied effort, the inner self or our inner wisdom can become illuminated and visible in our life.
The letter is Yod, the spark of creative energy, isolated and self-contained like the Hermit. Connected to logos meaning the word – for ancient Egyptians and then Greeks, words held power – naming something called it into being. It is also a small, tiny point, indicating that no thought, act or deed is too small to go unnoticed – everything tiny thing is of significance. Understanding this important truth can be utterly transformative.
The symbol is the hand – Lending a hand is supportive and asking for help brings no shame. Those who care, want to help, so don’t be afraid to ask for it.
Spiritual Intelligence: the Intelligence of Will: We may very well have strong wills, but do we have enough will to be able to work as a team? Will is not just getting your own way, it’s also about using our will to help make life work collectively. Despite the emphasis on ‘aloneness’, the strength of our independence can help our communities/families/organisations thrive.
“All things are connected like the blood that unites us. We do not weave the web of life, we are merely a strand in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves” Chief Seattle
Here I take the main planetary astrological shifts for 2025 and view them through the lens of Tarot in this way:
Neptune into Aries (Hanged Man into the Emperor)
The watery depths of the Hanged Man become conscious in the realm of the Emperor and urge us fight for our beliefs, for what we feel is right and true and for our spiritual values. In the collective, we may see more protests, people fighting for what they believe in as well as the increase of misinformation and credit given to fantasies and illusory ideals that can never bring about what they promise. The Hanged Man may dream about peace but when entering the realm of the Emperor, becomes an activist!
Saturn into Aries – May to September (The World into the Emperor)
The World represents work, experience and time, bringing completion to a hard won journey. Entering the realm of the Emperor, the energy becomes focused into disciplining and organising our vitality into projects and work that will reap greater rewards, than by just jumping into it without planning. Where Neptune in Aries will make dreams want to manifest, Saturn will seek to work out how to do so realistically!
Jupiter into Cancer in June (The Wheel of Fortune into the Chariot)
The Wheel brings us opportunities and luck and the realm of the Chariot invites us to take the reins, own any fortune that comes our way or create opportunities as we go!
Cancer rules family, home and the mother, so here there may be good fortune in nurturing family / friend / community gatherings and facilitating resolutions , especially those that broaden horizons and expand wellbeing. Jupiter brings a vibrant, positive quality to a water sign that is deeply embedded in its emotional life as the Wheel will bring positive change and new direction, to any still floundering in the lunar influence.
Uranus into Gemini – July to November (The Fool into the Lovers)
Here the random, unique and unconventional energy of the Fool slips into the realm of communication with the Lovers. There will be innovations, new ways of communicating, new ideas and ways of thinking and basically we can expect the unexpected. Communication works both ways – listen as well as speak. The Lovers are changeable, often provocative and restless and the need to listen and understand as well as speaking up will be paramount. As limitations on the global stage and in our families and relationships will be challenged, freedom and authenticity will be pursued. Some tolerance and the patience of the World to know that working things through have a value could come into play at this time.
Pluto into Aquarius (Judgement into the Star)
We have just had the year of the Star, the year of the collective, empowering people to take a stand and disrupt the established order; also the power of the individual to make great change – so we know that this is going to continue to be a theme. How will Judgement affect it? Judgement is ruled by Pluto, or for the Greeks, Hades and is the Ruler of the Underworld. This is no lighthearted place. it is the realm of wealth, power, death, secrets and all the shadows that are kept there awaiting transformation.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life” Carl Jung
The Star brings light, inspiration, indeed is a guide on our journey of hope out of despair and ignorance towards knowledge and liberation.
So here we can expect collectively and personally, an awakening feeling of what might be unsettling us deep within. What doors need we open that have remained closed for too long? What shadows do we need to confront and what blame do we project onto others that we need to acknowledge in ourselves? Such questions can go unanswered for lifetimes, sometimes leading to family trauma for generations. But the Star invites us to let go, strip off the unnecessary and rise, like the phoenix unburdened by shame, fear, regret and bitterness. We may well ruffle a few feathers in doing so, or change an established tradition, or suggest new ways of doing things. When the fear subsides, all will be free to enjoy. If we remain captive, the moment is lost, until we are ready, if ever.
“The only way to make sense out of change, is to plunge into it, move with it and join the dance” Alan Watts
I feel there will be many more shadows and illusions that will be cracked in the coming year. Stories like that of Giselle Pelicot absolutely embody the theme – one individual, with a twisted shadow, unable to confront and address it, giving into it and leading to the destruction of so many. And yet it is also one individual, Giselle, whose courage shines out through the horror, in the hope that we can learn collectively. I will not be surprised to see more such extraordinary people for better and worse in the coming year.
“ A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles” Christopher Reeve
Here I spent some time in deep meditation, invoking the God Apollo and initially focusing on a bowl of water, lit by sunlight, and going deeply within. When I returned to full consciousness, these were the words that rang in my mind:
In travelling this road, seek the depth of mystery and travel deep within, in darkness, one step at a time. The journey may be long. It may be arduous. Do not give up. In this way, the seeker will come to know the path less travelled and the light will appear when the time is right. Then the traveller may truly embody the light of the eternal.
CHINESE NEW YEAR – Year of the Wood Snake – this is a snake with a conscience! The effect of wood, seems to calm the ruling fire in the snake and emphasises an humanitarian streak. A symbol of wisdom and transformation, 2025 will encourage introspection and the pursuit of inner wisdom – let’s hope this might rub off in some small way to those in power to influence world changes. This isn’t so much about team work, but about the efforts of individuals, so the rise of independent parties and individuals, not working as a team will be visible, both for negative and positive consequences.. This snake sheds skin easily, lets go of the past, moves into the future and sees the bigger picture and themes of life, being aware and compassionate about the changes that swirl around us. Wood lends an energy of time and work, experience and expertise to the bright creative spark within – this can support long term goals and resolutions that will require nurturing to deliver.
The hexagram I threw for “Advice for all for the Year of the Wood Snake 2025” is “Chen or Thunder”.
“Although the lightning illuminates the scenery of a distant horizon, we feel the reverberation of the thunder deep within our bones” Kari Holmes
This describes the feeling of change, that can sometimes fill us with shock, right down to our core. Thunder is often personified as a creature or character who ushers in the changing seasons. When warm and cold fronts collide, the atmosphere and even the landscape is changed. Thunder arouses the sleeping seeds of Chen, arising us out of slumber. Changes will happen that will mean we cannot unsee what is happening. We will not be able to ignore or pretend that it is not so. The truth will have a way of coming out that will be uncomfortable for those who have hidden the truth or been unwilling to see it. This is so similar to Judgement in Tarot, it is uncanny. I never cease to be amazed at the connections between the differing divinations in their advice.
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced” James Baldwin
And so, my offering is complete. May the advice contained here support all your changes, hopes and dreams as well as your challenges and dilemmas in the coming year!
With blessings for a Happy New Year,
Suzanne Corbie
1st January, 2025
For Teachers and Students of Tarot:
How to do this divination
If you were beginning your annual divinations using the Major Arcana in the Tarot – you would add the numbers of the year (this year 2 + 0 + 2 + 5 = 9) and, this year, get 9, which is the Hermit in the Tarot.
Double letters in numerology usually reduce to a single digit, so as I travelled through the Major Arcana, having begun with the Magician in 2008, knowing that I would, at some point, have a double digit. So for me, last year was the Star and this year 2025, is the Moon. With single digits adding up to 9 and the Hermit, it seems appropriate to look at both cards, particularly as they lend inspiration and advice to each other.
The cards are then interpreted on a wider scale, opening up our intuition into how it might apply to the collective, rather than the personal. As you can see, there is plenty to guide you if you look at the astrology, qabalah, numerology, psychology and myth as well.
I began these annual divinations 17 years ago, as an annual offering and commitment to my own exploration of tarot, intending to do the whole Major Arcana. I have another 4 years to complete!
Other divinatory methods used
I divined with lecanomancy in an oracular fashion, (the focusing on a bowl of water by candle or sunlight and letting my mind run free and open to images and words that might arrive)
I took the main astrological themes of the year, as I understood them (I am not an astrologer) and translated them into the tarot via the Golden Dawn correspondences to lend insight.
The Chinese Astrology has an animal for this year and its elements change, so one can divine, using the knowledge of what the animal symbolises and its element for the year to gain insight into the ‘energy’ that might be prevalent during the coming year.
I also did an I Ching Divination by throwing three coins six times, each combination making a yin or yang line and then, including the changing lines, referred to the I Ching to see the advice contained in the relevant hexagram.
© Suzanne Corbie