Beltane Tarot Spread

By Suzanne Corbie

Beltane Tarot Spread 

Beltane is an ancient Celtic fire festival celebrating the beginning of summer and the season of abundance and growth. The Green Man and the May Queen represent the life force within the earth that causes the explosion of growth at this time and the beauty of the blossoms as the trees burst into bloom.

This is also viewed as a symbolic marriage or union between God and Goddess, male and female, light and dark, winter and summer, whilst recognising at the same time, that such opposites are connected. At this time we seek unity of mind, body and spirit, we  express joy and celebration at the beauty of the season and honour the joy in our lives.

This spreads helps us to reveal some of these themes, perhaps offering advice into how to improve love, harmony and joy in your life. 

1: How harmonious is your physical, mental and emotional health to how you live your life?

2: How strong is your personal growth?

3: Harmony with loved ones – what it is like and how to improve

4: Harmony with the wider world – what it is like and how to improve

5: How much love do you give?

6: How much love do you receive? 

7: What brings you joy?

8: Your lesson/advice for this Beltane