Divination: 4 Part Online Course

By Suzanne Corbie

This Four Part Course will explore ancient divination practices and techniques; revealing their history and how we might adapt their methods for modern divination. Each subject can be taken on its own or all four parts as a whole; 

  • Lecanomancy, Empyromancy and Libanomancy (water, smoke and fire); Tuesday, 3rd September, 7 pm Treadwells Online
  •  Augury, Aeromancy, Orthinomancy (Signs and Portents from the natural world) Tuesday 1st October, 7 pm Treadwells Online 
  • Sortes Sanctorum, Cleromancy, Bibliomancy (The Casting of Lots and Interpretation of texts in sacred writings and books) ; Tuesday 5th November, 7 pm Treadwells Online 
  • The Oracle (From ancient to modern)  Tuesday 3rd December, 7pm Treadwells Online 

Each session includes historical context and knowledge with a practical modern take and demonstration on each divinatory technique. 

Includes access to a recording for two weeks