9th May 2023 7pm at Treadwells online: A talk and practical demonstration to help you work well with tarot spreads. We shall explore the popular Celtic Cross Spread, step by step and then move on to more complex and revealing steps about particular issues. I shall demonstrate each one clearly and also show you how…
In this course, we explore Spring deities and symbols, myths and folklore as well as historic traditions and origins. There is a pp illustrated lecture, recipes for incense, food and drink, poetry and suggested songs and chants, meditation, 21 things to do to take you through the time of the equinox and your own bespoke…
With rabbits and eggs abounding everywhere at this time of the Spring Equinox, I thought it a good idea to talk about a very ancient Hare Goddess, long before the Easter Bunny and older than the Saxon Goddess Eostre. Her name is Wenet, or occasionally Unut. She is shown sometimes as a hare, sometimes as…
“Myths and dreams come from the same place.. from realisations of some kind that then have to find expression in symbolic form” Joseph Cambpbell The myths and archetypes within the Tarot help us to reclaim the lost parts of ourselves and offer inspiration on our journey of life. Join me at Treadwells online on Tuesday 4th…
A two hour talk, recording available, on Monday 7th March at 7pm at Treadwells online The Journey of the Fool is the oldest story in the world. Its core meaning is woven into myths and legends that reveal how a person answers a call, goes on a quest, responds to a challenge and overcomes adversity…
This Wheel of the Year Tarot Spread is designed to help us connect seasonally with our own personal development. It helps us align with nature’s seasonal rhythms as well as reminding you what might be worth focusing on as you progress throughout the year. A Workshop on this spread will be online at Treadwells on…
Tuesday 11th October at 7pm: Online talk at Treadwell on Magickal Pathworking, or the practice of imaginatively and clairvoyantly travelling on the paths of the Tree of Life, a symbol of the inner worlds central to Hermetic Qabalah, a system of magic which arose in the Italian renaissance out of, but distinct from Jewish kabbalah. The Archetypes…
The month of August dedicated to the Sumerian Goddess Inanna, was known as Kin-Inanna, or ‘Work of Inanna’ according to the calendar of Nippur. The statues of the goddess were cleansed and purified in the river before the return of her beloved husband Dumuzi. The new moon this year on 19th August is a time…
“The plots that entangle our souls dand draw forth our characters are the great myths. That is why we need a sense of myth and knowledge of different myths to gain insight into our epic struggles, our misalliances and our tragedies.”. James Hillman 13th September, Online Talk. Treadwells I used to run this as a…