Tuesday 7th May at 7pm at Treadwells Online. This is the first Tarot Magic Workshop in a series of four, using each one to build the Tarot into your magical practice.  This first workshop will explore the elements and  summon the elemental angels together with their appropriate cards for your magic. Some astrology is included…

Beltane Tarot Spread

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-Vi8HIuSAw Beltane Tarot Spread  Beltane is an ancient Celtic fire festival celebrating the beginning of summer and the season of abundance and growth. The Green Man and the May Queen represent the life force within the earth that causes the explosion of growth at this time and the beauty of the blossoms as the trees…

A Divination for 2024

“We are stardust, we are golden and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden” Joni Mitchell   A divination for the coming year, using Tarot, Numerology, Western and Chinese Astrology, offering advice and hopefully, inspiration for 2024, the Year of the Lion and the Star. See footnote for Credits and description of numerology…

A Talk on a History of Divination & Prophecy

Weddnesday 20th December, 2023 at 7.30 pm at the Wigmore Library, Gillingham. Book early as I tend to be sold out early!  This talk focuses on a history of the practice of divination and prophecy. Following a historic trail from oracle bones, augury, necromancy and ancient oracles, via dream temples, biblical prophets, divinatory texts and…

Tarot of 2023

Tarot of 2023 A divinatory look at the advice that the Tarot can offer us for this year.  The Card for this year is the Tower, representing truth or awakening into the reality of a situation that brings about change, sometimes of a sudden nature.  A quote that springs to mind from A Few Good…

Samhain Tarot Spread

Samhain Tarot Spread A Tarot Spread to connect you to the themes of Samhain, the threshold of the darker nights, the spirits of the Ancestors and our own secrets.

Tarot Magic: Amulets and Talismans

Tuesday 26th September, 7-9pm; an online workshop on creating amulets and talismans using the Tarot.  At Treadwells Online The symbols in the cards will be explored, taking note of  their astrological correspondences and using both to create a variety of amulets and talismans for healing, wellbeing, protection and self transformation. They  will then be activated…

TAROT MAGIC: Rituals and Spells

New online talk and workshop – Tarot Magick Rituals and Spells at Treadwells online, Tuesday 12th September, 2023 at 7pm.  In this workshop I will take you, step by step, into spellwork and rituals you can perform using your tarot deck. These rituals are incredibly empowering for our own connection to tarot wisdom, offering a…

Autumn Equinox Tarot Spread

Autumn Equinox Tarot Spread A Tarot Spread for the Autumn Equinox: This tarot spread will help you explore the main themes of the autumn equinox; Balance and Harmony, Releasing and Letting Go, Change and Transformation and the Descent towards Winter. It is a spread that will take you into the heart of you and help…

Tarot Spreads

9th May 2023 7pm at Treadwells online: A talk and practical demonstration to help you work well with tarot spreads.  We shall explore the popular Celtic Cross Spread, step by step and then move on to more complex and revealing steps about particular issues.  I shall demonstrate each one clearly and also show you how…